Thursday, May 15, 2008

Guest Post: "Grilled" Ham & Cheese

When it comes to the Faculty Center, you'll always live long enough to eat your own words. This guest post comes courtesy of Jarek Beem, newly minted Grady grad.

Guest Post
Upon special invitation from Dr. Russell, I dined at the faculty center today. As a student for the past four years, I never had the (dis)pleasure of dining at such a... forlorn... establishment. First impression -- the decor bears a striking resemblance to a Golden Girls set. Second impression -- the food's appearance could easily push me one step closer to anorexia.

Not wanting to cause too much damage to my intestinal tract, I took Russell's advice and ordered the grilled ham and cheese. In her words, "You can't go wrong with grilled cheese." Well, Dr. Russell, yes, you can.

I should have known from the sandwich attendant's deep sigh and puzzled looks, that perhaps I had made a mistake. Or maybe I should have known when she asked if I wanted my sandwich toasted. Um, yes, it is grilled cheese.

And the moral of this story? You can go wrong with grilled cheese at the faculty center, especially when the cheese isn't melted.


Mark E. Johnson said...

Perhaps it is only Hume who gets her sandwiches lovingly prepared?

Lizzie Azzolino said...

I'd say you got lucky that the cheese wasn't melted. It could have been covered in mold... It's summer. I'm sure they will run out of fresh ingredients sometime soon.

Hollander said...

If you want melted cheese, then ask for melted cheese.

Sheesh ... where do we get these guest posters? Next thing they'll want is their food cooked.

Marta said...

Hmmnn...seems my guest workers from the BC don't know everything they should. Thanks for the heads up!

k said...

i think we should hold a final 'good sense' exam for seniors before we give them that Grady degree. If they don't show good sense, as young Mr. Beam failed to show good sense, they don't graduate.

I can't believe you guys made him eat there.

Karen Miller Russell said...

Neither can he.