Monday, April 14, 2008

A Lunch Haiku

The chicken supreme
just a lump of white on rice,
tomorrow's problem.


Janice Hume said...

With apologies to Hollander... When they say poetry's supposed to "move" you, I don't think this is what they had in mind.

Karen Miller Russell said...

WHERE ARE THE OTHER POEMS? You are trying to hog the limelight and you didn't even explain why we were moved to write poetry. You are no professional blogger, Hollander.

Hollander said...

I was a hack journalist.

I'm a hack academic.

And thusly, I am a hack blogger. Of course that may be an oxymoron.

k said...

I was going to write a haiku comment in response to this post. But seriously. I think the bad food is just making you guys delirious. I can't believe you eat there.

Kristen said...

Hollander's poem is beautiful, inspired, delightful! Hack or no hack, that's art.

Mine has its roots in the history of Memorial Hall and my first impression of the faculty center. Again, I applaud you!

A noble building
Now housing an eatery
Serving surrealism

Hollander said...

LOL, "serving surrealism" may be the kindest thing ever said about our favorite eatery.

Karen Miller Russell said...

I can't believe I still laugh when she says she can't believe we eat there.

Kristen said...

How much of a hack can Hollander be if I just read a press release about some study of his about how the fragmentation of TV news audiences could have damaging consequences for political discourse and democracy in America! If people would just come together -- preferably around a table at the Faculty Center -- all problems could be solved.

Karen Miller Russell said...

Kristen, after you work here for a while you won't question Hollander's hack status.