Friday, March 21, 2008

"I think we should all have to wear bibs"

The lunch meeting was called to order at approximately 11:37 a.m. In attendance: Hollander, Hume, Johnson and Russell (Fink at another table; the dean came in late and sat with someone else).

Committee reports: Russell reiterated that Johnson does not have tenure. Hollander failed to make any notable off-color remarks.

Old business: No votes were taken. However, a recap of Johnson's last LATFC video included discussion of Hollifield's eating habits and her remarks about "governor shopping."

New business: Several important questions were raised. First, what are the monetization possibilities for Second, it has been reported that the dean and department chairs discussed this blog at a meeting. Are they readers, or was it all just hearsay? Third, is the real purpose of this blog just to annoy Sweetser? Finally, why did it take Hume so damn long to eat her salad? IT WAS NOT EVEN VERY BIG. All issues were tabled until further research can be conducted. The possibility of a grant was tossed around.

Announcements: Hollander declared that all people who enter the Faculty Center should have to wear a bib. Discussion led to a conclusion that it should be designed like a lei, with Hawaiian music and a ceremony at the front door.

Point of order: if Hollander eats all vegetables because it's Lent, does it necessarily follow that Johnson has to eat only non-vegetable food products?

The meeting was adjourned.


Mark E. Johnson said...

I am fairly certain that all of the "vegetables" served are not, in fact, vegetables but some petroleum-based food form. Therefore, Hollander's consumption of so many vegetables over the last four weeks of Lent has increased our reliance on foreign oil substantially.

k said...

I can't believe you eat there. I voted for the lunchbox in the poll because if you still insist on eating there at least you are bringing food from home worth eating!

Hollander said...

I'm all for reliance on foreign goods.

Just ask the nice people who make Scotch.