Monday, March 17, 2008

Astroturfing In Action

You read about it here a while ago, but now we're actively working on it. We spotted both magnets and bumper stickers today at The Eatery, so now we can spread the word about the wholesome goodness that is our lunching establishment.

Or, at least about the people who run the place we like to eat at. Okay, maybe "like to eat at" is a little strong ... frequently frequent?


Hollander said...

I need a magnet.

Had country fried steak today, with Fink. Discussed New York's former governor, the state of the media, the economy.

Carrots were particularly good today.

k said...

Seriously. Not only do you eat there, now you promote that place. I can't believe you eat there. Ugh. I just had chills. The bad kind.