Saturday, September 27, 2008

Stunned Silence

I suppose it is entirely possible that the last entry demoralized all of us so badly that we have sulked off into silent corners. Which, to be honest, is pretty much true ... 

But the final insult happened on Thursday, the one insult that could make me not lament the loss of The Eatery, the one that could let its demise come to be without a single protest.

It was Thursday, and there were no lemon bars. Not. A. One.

I suffered through the cherry pie which, to be fully honest, may have had a higher level of lemonicity than some of the lemon bars of the past.

Criminal, border line criminal.

1 comment:

Hollander said...

Maybe this is a lemon conspiracy. Or maybe the lemons are protesting the closing. Or maybe the cherries beat up the lemons and took their place, but Zen of Cher(ry) doesn't work for me.

Damn those lemons.